In Wealthy Investor terms volatility trading refers to purchasing a companies shares that are rapidly changing in price and using automation to quickly sell the shares for a $1 or more profit per share. Mastering volatility trading is a skill that can lead to big profits.
In episode #131 of the Trading Stocks Made Easy Podcast, I guide you through the basic skills you’ll need to be acquainted with in order to master volatility trading.
If you had participated in the stock market over the last 5 years, you would have been able to own stocks like these, that have outperformed the market and all major indexes.
Costco Wholesale, Corporation (COST) 5-Year Chart
Amazon, Inc. (AMZN) 5-Year Chart
In WI Trade School I teach you three major strategies that work consistently in up and down markets. They are:
Covered Call Writing: Covered call writing allows any investor to generate $500 to $5,000 per month.
Dividend Capturing: Institutional investors collect millions of dollars per quarter collecting dividends on Dow components like Home Depot, Visa and Microsoft.
Volatility Trading: Volatility allows you to purchase a stock and program a sell order in your online trading account which will sell the stock once the price rises a specified amount. As stock prices change throughout the day, you’re making money while you are out enjoying your life.